PROMOLAB ® Economy thermometers

Kamis, 06 Agustus 2015

PROMOLAB ® Economy thermometers

PROMOLAB ® Economy thermometers yellow enamel backing, diameter 6-7 mm. Red liquid filled. 

With a plastic cap and ring.The cap has a non roll form. It resists in hot liquid during 30 seconds at 150°C (302°F).
There is a window in front of the expansion chamber enabling the user to verify if there is any column separation .

The PROMOLAB ® scale is printed and fused in the glass with a special process, the graduation resists to all chemical products except fluoridric acid and hot soda because these 2 products attack the glass.
The numbers are printed every 10 °C and the graduation is much larger than usual enabling an easier reading for the user.

These thermometers are available in partial or total immersion. 
When the thermometer is calibrated for partial immersion, there is a line printed around the thermometer at 76mm with a clear mention: "Imm. 76mm”. 
This mark enables the user to immerse the thermometer to the correct depth.

The thermometers are packed in a strong plastic packaging with a square form, non roll. 10 thermometers of the same article are packed inside a white cardboard box.

-20 + 110    Immersion 76 mm   Rp    91,650
-20 + 110    Total Immersion   Rp    91,650
-20 + 150    Total Immersion   Rp    98,200
-20 + 250    Total Immersion   Rp  127,000
-20 + 360    Total Immersion   Rp   141,400

-20 + 110  Immersion 76 mm   Rp        71,400
-20 + 110  Total Immersion   Rp        71,400
-20 + 150  Total Immersion   Rp        75,000

Pemesanan Hubungi:
Fauzan Scientific Niagatama
Supplier Bahan Kimia dan Alat-Alat Laboratorium
Jl. Ters. Suryani, No. 16 Babakan Ciparay, Bandung 40222
