Ziehl Neelsen Acid Fast Stains - Kit HIMEDIA

Selasa, 05 April 2016

Cat Product Packing

K005-1KT Ziehl Neelsen Acid Fast Stains - Kit (contains S033, S005 & S022) 1 Kit
S033-125ML Acid fast decolourizer 125 ml
S005-125ML Carbol Fuchsin (ZN, Strong) 125 ml
S022-125ML Methylene Blue (Loeffler's) 125 ml
K006-1KT Schaeffer & Fulton’s Spore Stains - Kit (Contains S028 and S029) 1 Kit
S028-100ML Schaeffer & Fulton’s Spore Stains A 100 ml
S029-100ML Schaeffer & Fulton’s Spore Stains B 100 ml
K004-1KT Capsule Stains - Kit (Contains S021, S025 and S047) 1 Kit
S021-125ML Methelene Blue (aqueous) 125 ml
S025-100ML Nigrosin Stain, 10% w/v 100 ml
S047-125ML M'Fadyean Stain (Polychrome Methylene Blue) 125 ml
S006-125 Carbol Fuchsin (ZN,Dilute) 125 ml
S067-125 Congo Red (1%Aqueos) Solution 125 ml
S007-125 Eosin,2% w/v 125 ml
S010-125 Gentian Violet 125 ml
S011-100ml Giemsa Stain 100 ml
S011-500ml Giemsa Stain 500 ml
S012-125ML Grams Crystal Violet 125 ml
S032-2x125ml Grams Decolourizer 2x125 ml
S013-125ML Grams Iodine 125 ml
S034-125ML Haematoxylin (Harris) 125 ml
S034-500ML Hematoxyline (Harris) 500 ml
S058-125ML Haematoxylin (Mayer) 125 ml
S019-125 Lugols Iodine 125 ml
S020-100 Malachite Green,1% w/v 100 ml
S021-125 Mhetylene Blue (Aqueous) 125 ml
S036-500 Papanicolaou-EA-36 500 ml
S068-500 Papanicolaou-EA-50 500 ml
S035-500 Papanicolaou-OG-6 500 ml
S026-500 Picric Acid 500 ml
S027-125 Safranine,0.5% w/v 125 ml
S074-500 Schiffs Reagent 500 ml

Untuk Info Order, harga & Stock Hubungi:

CV. Visi Gen Utama
Office: Jl. AH Nasution, Negla Kencana Residence Blok C No. 7 
Ujungberung-Bandung-Jawa Barat-Indonesia
Email: visigenutama@gmail.com
Sales1: 0823-1529-5628
Sales2: 0896-1259-3515